Sustainable Development Goals
UN Dream
In 2015, just as we were starting out in the Philippines, United Nations leaders came together to develop 17 goals - termed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - to make the world a better place by 2030. Ambitious but legally non-binding, they were more wishes than goals; they were criticised more or less from the off.
A decade later, and with just a third of the time remaining until they expire, it is now crystal clear that many of the goals are utterly unachievable. Indeed, some of them - for example, ‘end poverty in all its forms everywhere’ - seem totally fantastical, and one wonders how they were ever voted through.
Our reality
Regardless, back in 2015 we took a hard look at the goals and decided that we could act in sympathy with 11 of them - those whose icons are laid out below. So our strategic planning is mindful of them and each of our service programs is pegged to at least one of them. Some are highly relevant to many of our services and programs, so we term these ‘service SDGs’. Others are relevant to certain of our services and programs, so we term these ‘minor SDGs’. And a few others are relevant to the way we run our organization - we term these ‘organizational SDGs’. And throughout this site, the relevant SDG icons for a particular page is clearly displayed: on blog-style pages, the relevant SDG numbers are tagged; otherwise, the relevant SDG icons are displayed on the bottom right hand corner.
Service SDGs
Minor SDGs
Organizational SDGs
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities…
Romans 13:1