We have a growing network of friendly individuals. Some have trained or volunteered with us in the past. Others have got chatting to us somewhere around the globe. But most have stumbled across us whilst surfing the net.
A few give their time, money or goods. Some pray. All support. And we’re thrilled to announce that, from 2025, all friends will receive quarterly updates to inform their support.
We have been overdue in establishing a regular e-update for our friends. From now on, we will be sending out e-newsletters in March, June, September and December. New friends are always welcome. Do sign up!
Apart from friendly individuals, we also cooperate with a number of friendly, like-minded institutions and organizations. With some, it’s a one-way relationship - they help us, or we help us. With others, it’s two-way - we help each others. Regardless, we aim to always operate with discretion and tact, and we respect the need for privacy. This is especially important because the Christian faith, offender healthcare and torture & ill-treatment are sensitive subjects in many countries. So we are able to talk openly about only a small minority of our alliances, including…
International Christian Medical and Dental Association
ICMDA exists to start and strengthen Christian national medical and dental movements, including our partner CMF (see below).
Many of our volunteers learn of our work through ICMDA contacts. We utilise some of its many resources. And on occasion our chief medical officer contributes to its webinar series.
Medical Missionary News
MMN aims to follow the example Jesus set: to provide support to those in need in a practical way and use the opportunity to share the Good News of God's saving grace.
One of its services is providing bursaries to Christian healthcare students preparing to go on elective. Several of our elective students have benefitted from this generosity.
Philippine Outreach Centre Ministries
POCM has a special place in our heart: they were our first partner in the Philippines, from 2015 until the start of the pandemic years.
Located near Subic Town in the Zambales region, they do spiritual in-reach into local prisons, run an evangelical church, and provide both residential care and schooling for needy children including those whose parents are imprisoned. We remain on friendly terms and commend them to would-be supporters.
The Big Microplastic Survey
As an eco-friendly NGO, we try to minimise the amount of plastic we use in the Philippines - a heavily plastic-polluted country.
There is now incontrovertible evidence that ocean microplastics are finding their way into human bodies. By participating in BMS’s survey, we are providing pollution data to Just One Ocean and the University of Portsmouth.
Triple B Care Projects
Based in the Zambales region of the Philippines, Nurse Val Smith-Orr and her colleague Mam Evelyn assist patients who suffer from Burns, Bingot and Bulate (Tagalog for cleft lip & palate and worms).
On occasion, we refer ex-detainees and dependents for specialist care of complex wounds, and we send students to their clinic to see wound care in action. We commend Triple B to would-be supporters.
We have entered into official partnership with a few key organizational friends. And we are able to talk openly about most of these relationships…
Christian Medical Fellowship
We are extremely close to CMF, a UK medical membership organisation that unites and equips Christian doctors and nurses to live and speak for Jesus Christ.
Our co-founders Mark and Rachael have been CMF members since they were at medical school. By accident rather than design, Mark is both CEO of CMF and Acting Chair of our UK Board. And, again coincidentally, all the medical members of our UK Board are CMF members.
We partnered with CMF during the pandemic by creating and running a Health & Justice Track for its members. From time to time we run joint events such as Speaking Truth to Power. And well over half of our elective students, other trainees and healthcare volunteers are CMF members.
Baranguay Barretto Learning Center
Baranguay Barretto Learning Center (BBLC) is a non-profit educational institution in Zambales, Philippines. It offers college educational courses, including vocational TESDA courses for those wishing to become caregivers and nurse assistants.
Since 2024, we have been taking BBLC caregiver and nurse assistant students for On-the-Job Training (OJT) placements.
Coach Vee Lee
In the Philippines the English word ‘coaching’ is used very much in the same way as the word ‘counselling’ is used in Europe and North America.
We have partnered with an Olongapo-based coach/counsellor, Mam Vee Lee. She makes use of our base’s counselling suite and conference facilities. And assists us with the ‘emotional wellness’ needs of our clients and personnel.
Evangelical Alliance
We are a member of the Evangelical Alliance (EA), which is the part of the Worldwide Evangelical Alliance (WEA).
It is an alliance of evangelicals sharing the gospel, lifting voices of hope, and building unity. A a member, we share a basis of faith.
Outreach EMR
Formerly known as EMR4DW, Outreach EMR has been providing us with low cost clinical software since 2021.
We are a double first for them - their first client to be based in Asia, and the first to major on offender healthcare.
Subic Bay College Inc.
Subic Bay College Inc. (SBCI) is a non-profit educational institution in Zambales, Philippines. It offers both school and college educational courses, including vocational TESDA courses for those wishing to become caregivers and nurse assistants.
Since 2022, we have been taking SBCI caregiver and nurse assistant students for On-the-Job Training (OJT) placements.
A friend loves at all times…
Proverbs 17:17